

Permit type


Seasonal  $330.00 + HST
(before Dec.15/24  $250 + HST)
Antique $125.00 + HST

$225.00 + HST
(Before Dec 15/24 $175.00 + HST)

200 CC $125.00 + HST
(3rd and subsequent)
$175.00 + HST
Available only at Service NB outlets
One-Day $70.00 - HST included 
Two-Day $110.00 - HST included 
Three-Day  $150.00 - HST included
Four-Day  $190.00 - HST included
Five-Day  $230.00 - HST included
Six-Day  $270.00 - HST included
Seven-Day  $310.00 - HST included 
Note: 1-7 Day permits are Now Available Online!

Where to Buy Permits

Ready to Buy your season trail permit? 
(Available from October 10 to April 15)

N.B. Residents:

  1. Visit your local Service New Brunswick Location, or
  2. Use the online form.


  1.  Visit a local Service New Brunswick Location, or
  2. Use the online form (Seasonal), or
  3. Contact the Snowmobile – Motoneige NB via E-Mail, or
  4. Print out and mail or fax an application form (PDF) to purchase ANY type of permit.

You will need Adobe Reader to view some files

Family Trail Permits:

  1. Qualification is a minimum of 3 snowmobiles in a family.
    1. The first two permits are bought at the seasonal price ($250/$330); third and subsequent permits are $175.00 + HST.
  2. Proof of a ‘Family’ qualification is 3 or more current snowmobile registrations all registered to the same address
  3. The discount is for qualified families, not businesses or companies.
  4.  Available only at Service New Brunswick Outlets

Antique Snowmobile Trail Permits:

  1. Definition is snowmobiles 20-years and older, 2005 and older.
  2. Proof for an ‘Antique’ qualification is the current snowmobile registration for each antique snowmobile.

Classic Snowmobile Trail Permits:

  1. Definition is snowmobiles between 10 and 20 years old, 2006 – 2015.
  2. Proof for a ‘Classic’ qualification is the current snowmobile registration for each classic snowmobile

200CC Snowmobile Trail Permits:

  1. Proof for a ‘200 CC’ qualification is the current snowmobile registration for each 200 CC snowmobile

Trail Permits FAQ’s (Click Here