Marcel Richard

Marcel Richard

I have been snowmobiling since 1979 , I was 13 years old.  The first snowmobile I ever rode was a 1979 Moto Ski Mirage, and I drove it right into the ground.  Over the years I have logged on a LOT of miles. Snowmobiling , not only in New Brunswick, but also in Maine and Quebec.

I have held the positions in my home club (Bouctouche/Ste. Marie) I’ve been, Director, Secretary, and I am currently  President.  I have  worked many ,many hours on trails ,signage and operating the groomer,   In the past 10 years, our club has had top lottery ticket sales.

I have always loved snowmobiling, I am off work this time of year and I love being out in the woods.  I look forward to enjoying it for many years to come.